Running Streaks…
What is a running streak? In case you’re not a runner, a running streak is just like it sounds. A streak is a term that tells you how many consecutive days you have completed a specified task. So running streaks are consecutive days of running.
Do I love running Streaks? Absolutely! Do I also hate running Streaks? Absolutely!
How can I love and hate running Streaks? Well it is simple really. I love running streaks because for me they provide motivation to chase that number and stay consistent. On the flip side though, when I commit to a running streak and life happens as it sometimes does and I lose that streak I beat myself up over it.
Running Streaks = Motivation
I love being able to say I run every day! I wake up and I think to myself how this will make day number whatever that I am on of a streak. It motivates me to get out the door and keep adding days. I mean doesn’t “I have ran 273 days in a row!” Sound like something a bad ass says? I watch videos on TikTok, and on Instagram of people who are on all levels of streaks, from 10 days to 600+ days. This makes me swoon I love seeing peoples streaks! That then makes me think I can do it! I can start running and count the days, and I too can sound like that bad ass! So not only does a streak motivate me to keep running, but I believe it also motivates others to do it too!
Increasing Fitness Levels
It pushes you to new levels in fitness. Your body can adapt and overcome so much more than we give it credit for. A running streak will prove that. Today you finish your run, and you’re tired, and drained, your muscles are sore. Tomorrow you wake up, lace up and out the door to push those limits again. You repeat that daily and your body builds stamina, and endurance. you were once only completing 15 miles a week, but as you continued your streak your doing 20+ miles a week because your body is building up to that. As you continue that streak your body will continue to adapt and continue adding more miles, quicker times, less fatigue. Of course it is extremely important to listen to your body, Running daily can put extreme pressure on your body to perform and we want to avoid injuries!
Cardiovascular Health
Yea, Yea, Yea I know the age old adage bout cardio being super important. It is though! It truly is! In a world where heart disease has been on the rise for some time. According to the American Heart Association in 2021 Cardiovascular disease accounted for 931,578 deaths. You can visit their page for more statistics about Cardiovascular diseases. When you think about it running and walking are two of the most accessible ways to help prevent cardiovascular disease. Sp Streak for your heart! It deserves it.
Listen to your body
I truly do love me a good running streak, but it is important to understand the limits of your body and not over do it. As a runner you want to be able to log the miles not be laid up on the couch with an over use injury. Running streaks do not mean your putting in +10 miles a day, it can be one mile on Monday, three on Tuesday, one on Wednesday, seven on Thursday, or it can just be a mile everyday.
However to each their own…running streaks are not for everyone, they don’t fit into everyone’s schedule. This is just my solid opinion on running streaks, what’s yours? To Streak, or not to Streak?